Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chicago September 2008

Abby and I made the trek to Chicago last weekend to see Eric and celebrate his birthday! We had a good time. On Friday, Abby got to see Wrigley Field for the first time and we had a beer at Cubby Bear. That night we ate authentic Chicago deep dish pizza with friends of Abby. On Saturday we took the "L" downtown and did some shopping. We ate fabulous food at Penny's and Twist. We went to a street festival that was outside a catholic church, there's nothing like buying beer in the basement of a church while listening to an 80's cover band singing "Like a virgin"! We had a great time and it was fun to hang out with some family for a weekend away.


Fellingham said...

Such a fun weekend!!!!

Bubba said...

I was in Chicago this past weekend too! I had authentic Miller Lite and Jager! We were visiting my old roommate Chris (I think you met him) from the Marine Corps! It was a good time!