Friday, October 10, 2008

Interesting Question...

Bryce and I were on our way to see a friend of mine, Angela, that just gave birth to a BEAUTIFUL baby boy.
On the way to her house, Bryce asks, "How did the baby get out?". I was hoping he wasn't asking what I thought he was asking so I clarified, "How did the baby get out of where?".
"How did the baby get out of the mom?"
"Ummmm" is the best I can come up with at first. "Well, the doctor has to help."
This is not enough for the information sponge riding in the back seat. "but, how does it get out?"
"Well, I don't know how to explain it."
I was hoping this would be enough but Bryce is smart. "But, mom, how did I get out of you?"
"Wellllllll, ummmmm, the doctor helped and I don't know how to explain it any better."
I am pretty sure he thinks I don't even know!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Walking to Target

I am trying to make a conscience effort to get outside right now while the weather is gorgeous, before it gets nasty and cold, so I bribed Bryce into walking with me to Target (only like 2 blocks). It was so nice to walk at a 4 year old's pace and to have random conversations with him. I told him that I would give him $5 to spend at Target if he walked there with me. He bought 5 packs of trading cards, like baseball cards but they were Star Wars and Spiderman themed cards. The walk home was twice as long because he had to walk and look at some of the cards at the same time. It was a great time!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chicago September 2008

Abby and I made the trek to Chicago last weekend to see Eric and celebrate his birthday! We had a good time. On Friday, Abby got to see Wrigley Field for the first time and we had a beer at Cubby Bear. That night we ate authentic Chicago deep dish pizza with friends of Abby. On Saturday we took the "L" downtown and did some shopping. We ate fabulous food at Penny's and Twist. We went to a street festival that was outside a catholic church, there's nothing like buying beer in the basement of a church while listening to an 80's cover band singing "Like a virgin"! We had a great time and it was fun to hang out with some family for a weekend away.