Sunday, March 22, 2009

"My skin is falling off"

Bryce and I were riding in the car discussing his bruises and scrapes. I told him that he would just fall apart one of these days. About 5 minutes later, he says "Mom, my skin is falling off." I assumed he was still talking about his body falling apart. He continues to tell me that his skin is falling off all the time and that even when he doesn't move it falls off. I realize that he is telling me his skin CELLS are falling off. Where does he learn this stuff? He is FIVE!

He is very smart!! He gets that from me! :)


I have tried to explain to Bryce the difference between the radio and a CD. We will be listening to the radio and he will ask to hear the song again when it is done, so I had to explain to him that I can't replay a song on the radio.

The other day we were listening to the radio and when the next song came on, Bryce says, "We haven't heard this song for a long time, he must have been sick." He assumes the people singing on the radio are singing live each time. So far I have let him believe this... :)

Bryce's 5th Birthday

Bryce had a party with his friends and everyone had a great time!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Me and My Guitar

Bryce grabbed his guitar the other night, put his trick or treat "bucket" in front of him, sat down cross legged and told me to put money in the bucket and he would play for me. (we see people playing instruments at the downtown farmer's market in the summer)

Rich's Retirement

Grandpa Rich decided it was time to retire (not really because he is still going to be busy...). It was nice to have the family all together to celebrate.

Roller Skating

Over Christmas break Bryce and I went roller skating. It was Bryce's first time roller skating and he enjoyed it. I would guess that his favorite part was when I was showing off and tried to skate backwards and landed flat on my butt!